Face Yoga

Does Mewing Work Or is It Just Another Trend?

Written by Maria NeverovichUpdated on 22 Aug 2024
Face Yoga

Does Mewing Work Or is It Just Another Trend?

Written by Maria Neverovich.Updated at 22 Aug 2024
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of years, you’ve probably seen the videos on TikTok and YouTube of influencers praising the mewing technique. Celebrities, too, recognize the benefits of mewing, hailing the technique as the antidote to bad angles in photos and the key to a sharp jawline. Learn more about exercises for a defined jawline. Its creator, Dr. John Mew, an orthodontist, calls it “orthotropics” and claims that mewing helps alter the jawline and re-align the face. But is mewing as good as the internet makes it sound? Let’s explore the ins and outs of how mewing works.

What is mewing, and how does it work?

If you’ve heard the term “mewing” and are wondering, “What’s the actual mewing definition?” You’re in the right place. Mewing is simply the practice of maintaining the tongue’s positioning at the top of the mouth, giving a more defined jawline, and breathing through your nose. It may also involve some additional techniques known as mewing exercises. Mewing works on the premise that holding a proper tongue positioning can align the jaw and improve facial structure. By placing the entire tongue against the roof of the mouth, the jaw moves into its proper position. The theory behind this is that this consistent pressure from the tongue’s positioning helps to stimulate changes in the jaw and facial bones. This may be true for younger people whose skeletons are still developing as opposed to older adults. Mewing is considered a more natural approach to facial structure and appearance than some of the more intense surgical techniques available on the market today.

Why is it called mewing?

The technique behind mewing is based on the idea of proper oral posture, where the tongue rests against the roof of the mouth, which was common among our human ancestors. This natural positioning was supported by their diet, which included tougher, unprocessed foods that developed stronger jaw muscles and oral posture. It derives its name “mewing” from its creator, Dr. John Mew, although some could say the positioning is similar to a cat’s mewing jaw.

How does mewing work?

Followers of the practice today believe that mewing effects are beneficial because our modern, softer diet can lead to weaker jaw muscles and poor tongue posture, potentially affecting facial alignment, breathing, and appearance. We often see humans of today with lax jawlines and or mouth breathing. Mewing may help counteract these effects by encouraging a healthier, more natural jaw development that boasts a more defined submandibular area. Additionally, mewing techniques draw on correct nasal breathing. This helps to develop a sense of calm and helps oxygen get into the body, supporting lung health. It’s suggested that this combination helps to reduce strain on the neck, leading to less pain and headaches in the long term, and may even improve snoring. However, not enough evidence exists to say this for certain. When considering mewing, it’s always important to have realistic expectations and remember that there are few to no studies about the technique. This means that while mewing may not be harmful and can help you get some great pictures, it may not be a long-term solution. That said, if you’re eager to try it out for yourself and learn how to mew correctly, it’s always best to start with the right technique from the get-go. You can also consider combining mewing with other facial symmetry techniques to get maximum results.

Mewing how to: proper mewing technique and exercises

Now that you know the theory, let’s explore the practice. To get the correct mewing posture, it’s essential that you focus on tongue positioning, breathing, and the exercises themselves. Any mewing tutorial worth its salt starts with tongue positioning. This is said to help align facial structure, improve breathing, and give a more attractive physical appearance, giving you the benefits of mewing jaw exercises as a result. We’ll also include some top mewing tips along the way.

Start with tongue positioning

To get the most out of the jawline exercises, tongue positing is key in how to do mewing. Make sure to place your tongue on the roof of your mouth, rolling the back of the tongue up to the top of your mouth. This should increase muscle strength, although it may be slightly uncomfortable.

Breathe in through your nose

Now that your tongue is in position, breathe in deeply through your nose while keeping your tongue in place. This part of the mewing position allows you to build muscle control, all while improving your breathing technique.

Add in some exercises

Mewing exercises are supposed to strengthen the muscles of your tongue, jaw, and neck, making the technique more effective. First, start off with some chin tucks. To do this, pull your chin back to form a double chin, hold, and let go. Next, try a smiling swallow. This involves giving your biggest smile while mewing and engaging those all-important facial muscles.

Check your alignment

No how to mew correctly tutorial would be complete without position monitoring. Positioning is crucial in mewing. That’s why when you’re doing the mewing exercises, make sure to keep your position so that your molars are slightly together, but your mouth is closed. Try to avoid over-clenching your jaw as this can over-activate your masseter muscles.

Stay consistent

Although technique is important, the key factor cited by many is consistency. Doing this exercise a few times a day, every day, is said to be most effective.

What are the benefits of mewing?

If how to start mewing is top of your search list, you’ll want to know some of the benefits of your efforts before getting started. For fans of the technique, the effects of mewing are not limited to great pictures for Instagram. Instead, they suggest the exercises have several benefits, including:
  • Better overall facial shape: Mewers suggest that mewing helps define the jawline and enhance the appearance of cheekbones over time.
  • Improved breathing: By practicing nasal breathing rather than mouth breathing, fans of the technique can allegedly improve their oxygen intake and their breathing practices overall.
  • Reduced pain in neck and jaw: Mewing is a workout for the face and can help relieve tension in the jaw and neck areas.

How long does it take for mewing to work?

At the moment, the benefits of mewing and how long it takes for it to work is under debate. Many suggest the changes are largely subtle, gradual, and potentially short-term. When it comes to how long does it mewing take to work? It’s likely you’ll see the benefits from your mewing in two ways.
  • Short-term: Instant results for photos when practicing. Some breathing improvement is most likely due to active practicing of breathing techniques.
  • Long-term: Changes, if they occur, can take years. Younger people may see more results because of their malleability, but the results are not well understood for the most part.
It's important to note that no thorough study has proven the benefits of mewing, and the topic of how effective it might actually be is much debated.

Is mewing safe?

When practiced correctly and safely, mewing is generally thought to be safe for most people. That’s why knowing your tongue posture and how to do mewing correctly are key. However, like any technique, it’s important to have realistic expectations of its effects and ensure you don’t overstrain or cause injury trying to get better results. If you ask any of our team how to mew properly, they’ll always say to start with a tutorial and take it slow. Of course, as with any exercise routine, facial or otherwise, it’s best to consult a professional before getting started. This is especially important if you have any existing dental or orthodontic issues, as exercise could potentially exacerbate any pre-existing conditions. Note: mewing cannot fix an underlying condition. Always consult with a doctor, especially if you’re experiencing any pain, as your condition may require treatment, making mewing exercises unsuitable for you at this time.

Is mewing supposed to hurt?

If you’re wondering why does mewing hurt? This is a sign to pause, take a break, and potentially consider consulting a specialist. The mewing tongue position and jaw movement are key to the technique and any serious discomfort here could indicate something more is going on. Like any exercise, mewing is supposed to be safe, and you should only feel a stretch in the muscles of the tongue and face when you learn how to properly mew. However, mewing is not supposed to hurt. The mewing tongue posture can be challenging at first, so discomfort is expected — pain is not. That’s why if this happens,it’s always best to stop and take a break.

Mewing: key takeaways and expectations

Mewing, similar to many other health and wellness trends, has its ardent supporters as well as its critics. Although the jury is out as to the long-term effectiveness of mewing, proponents are quick to highlight its immediate benefits in enhancing facial aesthetics. If you’re thinking of trying the technique, it’s important to know how to start mewing correctly to get results and prevent any potential injuries. As the impact of mewing continues to be debated in the scientific community, the internet interest in the technique remains high. When deciding whether to try mewing or any other technique, always consider your individual needs and health, and choose the right practice for you.