Face Yoga

How to Fix Asymmetrical Face Naturally: How to Get a Symmetrical Face with Face Yoga | Luvly

Written by Maria NeverovichUpdated on 17 Jul 2024
Face Yoga

How to Fix Asymmetrical Face Naturally: How to Get a Symmetrical Face with Face Yoga | Luvly

Written by Maria Neverovich.Updated at 17 Jul 2024
Have you ever looked at a photo of yourself and thought that it doesn’t look like you? Well, you’re not alone. When we see ourselves in a photo, we see a representation of ourselves altered by light, distance, and angles, which can exacerbate even slight facial asymmetry. Interestingly, when we look at ourselves in the mirror, our image is reversed, making facial asymmetry less apparent. Many video-calling technologies also use this technique for calls, making participants more comfortable with their own image. Although having an asymmetrical face isn’t uncommon — in fact, it’s the norm — many people still feel uneasy and would like to increase symmetry in their appearance. But what, if anything, can you do to reduce facial asymmetry? Let’s explore.

What causes an asymmetrical face?

As we already know, face asymmetry is the rule, not the exception. But like anything in life, it comes in degrees. You may have heard such questions as “Does sleeping on one side of your face cause asymmetry?” and “What if I only chew on one side?” So, let’s take a closer look at what actually causes increased facial asymmetry.
  • Genetics — variations within our genetics can make us more likely to have asymmetrical features. So, if mom or dad has a lovable asymmetrical face, this may indicate a higher likelihood of future children having increased facial asymmetry. Think about bone structure, skin and tissue types, and general features such as eye shape.
  • Developmental issues — in addition to genetics, asymmetry may be caused by underlying health conditions that lead to irregular facial bone formation. In this case, any facial asymmetry may need to be addressed with medical professionals.
  • Trauma — accidents and injuries can cause damage to the face and its structure, creating asymmetry.
  • Neurological conditions — issues with facial nerves can cause the face to appear asymmetrical. For example, Bell’s Palsy is one of the most well-known conditions.
  • Lifestyle factors — it’s true! Habits like sleeping on one side of your face, posture and repetitive facial expressions can impact the asymmetry of your face over time.
But don’t worry, the adage “if the wind changes, your face may stay that way” is only somewhat true — you would need to do this repeatedly for any changes to occur.

How to fix facial asymmetry naturally without surgery — is it possible?

With facial asymmetry being a challenge for many, you may be wondering — how can I fix it, and is it even possible? The answer isn’t simple. Essentially, it all comes down to the degree and the cause of asymmetry. When you can’t fix it with asymmetrical face exercises:
  • Trauma
  • Neurological conditions
  • Developmental issues
In these cases, the approach is usually more complex, and it’s recommended to talk to your healthcare provider before attempting any techniques or exercises, as these may worsen the condition. When it might be possible to reduce asymmetry with face exercises: Lifestyle factors Just as habits have contributed to asymmetry, they can also reduce and improve it.
Face yoga encourages mindful engagement of underutilized muscles, potentially leading to a more symmetrical appearance over time. This can be a valuable practice for addressing asymmetry caused by repetitive expressions and daily habits as it promotes muscle balance and tone through targeted exercises. Not to mention, face yoga is a soothing practice promoting calm and relaxation which also helps enhance your glow. - Jillian Osborne, a face yoga teacher, and a Luvly app face yoga expert.

How to fix an asymmetrical face with exercises

Although face exercises are not a cure-all for asymmetry, they can lead to reduced symptoms and improved appearance. Here are some exercises you can try:
  • Cheek symmetry — inflate your cheeks. Next, push air from one cheek to another to stretch the cheeks. Then release.
  • Jawline and chin asymmetry — look up to the ceiling by tilting your head backward while moving your jaw forward. Hold and release.
  • Eye area — try to squint using your lower eyelids. Don’t move the upper ones. Then relax. This exercise is harder than it sounds and may require some practice to get right.
  • Mouth exercises — make a big, wide smile and hold. Now relax your face.
  • Uneven eyebrows — use your fingertips to lift your brows and hold for a few seconds.
With each of these exercises, it’s important to repeat several times, as many as you're comfortable with, and to complete them often. You might also be interested in reading about top 5 exercises for assymetrical face.

What else can I try to reduce asymmetry?

Alongside facial exercises, there are other things you can try to reduce asymmetry without surgery. For example:
  • Facial massage helps stimulate blood flow and promotes a glowing, balanced look.
  • Mewing is a much-debated technique, but its fans claim that facial symmetry is part of the appeal
  • Changing your sleeping position helps. So, if you’ve ever wondered, “Can sleeping on my back fix my facial asymmetry?” The answer is that it can indeed help, or at the very least, make sure it doesn’t get worse/
  • Acupuncture is a controversial technique for asymmetry. However, its benefits for nerve health can potentially reduce many issues.
  • Posture can play a role in your facial structure, so make sure to keep your neck and head aligned as best as possible.
  • Hydration can make our skin more plump and lively. Ensuring you are properly hydrated can show on your face.
Wondering what is mewing and how it works? Read here.

How long does it take to fix an asymmetrical face?

If you’re worried about your appearance, it can be disheartening to know that facial exercises do take time to work. That said, if you stick with it, incorporating facial exercises into your daily routine can have long-lasting benefits. When you do take the time to do facial exercises as part of your essential me-time, your body will release feel-good hormones, known as endorphins, that boost your mood and can make you feel better about your appearance. So, while you harness your inner patience for the changes to your face, relax and enjoy the much faster changes to your mood and overall health.

Should I do facial exercises for asymmetry? Conclusion

Depending on the level of asymmetry, its impact on your life and its cause, there are various approaches you can try to minimize asymmetry. For some people, asymmetry exercises prove to be the solution that works perfectly, boosting mood and appearance when done consistently. For others, it may be best to consult a health professional to get further advice. But no matter the approach, you should always feel empowered to take care of your health and body in a way that works for you.