Face Yoga

How to Fix Asymmetrical Face Naturally: How to Get a Symmetrical Face with Face Yoga | Luvly

Written by Maria NeverovichUpdated on 31 Jul 2024
Face Yoga

How to Fix Asymmetrical Face Naturally: How to Get a Symmetrical Face with Face Yoga | Luvly

Written by Maria Neverovich.Updated at 31 Jul 2024
Have you ever looked at a photo of yourself and thought that it doesn’t look quite like you? You’re not alone. When we see ourselves in a photo, we see a representation of ourselves altered by light, distance, and angles, which can exacerbate even the slightest of facial asymmetry. Interestingly, when we look at ourselves in the mirror, our image is reversed, making facial asymmetry less apparent. Many video-calling technologies also use this technique for calls, making participants more comfortable with their own images.

Is my face symmetrical?

Having an asymmetrical jaw or face isn’t uncommon — in fact, it’s the norm. However, many people still feel uneasy and would like to know how to get a symmetrical face naturally. But before we dive into finding a solution, let’s take a look at how you can figure out if your face is asymmetrical or not:
  • Mirror and market technique — stand in front of the mirror and use a wipeable marker to mark the key points on your face (peaks of forehead, eye creases, corners of your mouth, and chin). Next, stand back and compare both sides by drawing lines between the points.
  • Photo analysis — this one is fairly straightforward. You need to take a portrait picture, print it out and compare the lines by drawing between them.
  • Face apps — specially designed technology solutions are available on your phone. Apps such as Luvly can scan your face and help identify any areas of asymmetry right in the comfort of wherever you are right now.
That said, if facial asymmetry is something that you’re worried about, it’s always worthwhile consulting a professional.

What causes an asymmetrical face and why is one side of my face bigger than the other?

As we already know, face asymmetry is the rule, not the exception. But like anything in life, it comes in degrees. You may have heard such questions as “Does sleeping on one side of your face cause asymmetry?” and “What if I only chew on one side?” So, let’s take a closer look at what actually causes increased facial asymmetry. 1) Genetics — variations within our genetics can make us more likely to have asymmetrical features and even one side appearing bigger or more prominent than the other. So, if mom or dad has a lovable asymmetrical face, this may indicate a higher likelihood of future children having increased facial asymmetry. Vice versa, the same may be true for those whose parents are the proud owners of a naturally symmetrical face. It’s all down to things such as bone structure, skin and tissue types, and general features such as eye shape, which give that symmetrical look to a face. 2) Developmental issues — in addition to genetics, asymmetry may be caused by underlying health conditions that lead to irregular facial bone formation. In this case, any facial asymmetry may need to be addressed with medical professionals. An uneven jaw or similar asymmetric feature could be an indicator of an underlying condition. 3) Trauma — accidents and injuries can cause damage to the face and its structure, creating asymmetry. We’ve all seen photos of those individuals with a crooked chin or injured ear after trauma, so in this case, facial symmetry exercises should only take place under the supervision of a health professional. 4) Neurological conditions — issues with facial nerves can cause the face to appear asymmetrical. For example, Bell’s Palsy is one of the most well-known conditions, which is indicated by the presence of a lopsided face. If you’ve noticed this or similar changes, now’s the time to get in touch with your healthcare professional. 5) Lifestyle factors — it’s true! Habits like sleeping on one side of your face, posture and repetitive facial expressions can impact the asymmetry of your face over time. So starting your facial journey may be as simple as adjusting your lifestyle factors and adding asymmetrical face exercises to your routine. That may sound like a lot but don’t worry. Luckily, the adage “if the wind changes, your face may stay that way” is only somewhat true — you would need to do this repeatedly for any changes to occur. That’s why when it comes to how to make your face symmetrical, there are steps you can achieve right now to do that.

How to fix facial asymmetry naturally without surgery — is it possible?

With facial asymmetry being a challenge for many, you may be wondering — how can I fix it, and is it even possible? The answer isn’t simple. Essentially, it all comes down to the degree and the cause of asymmetry. When you can’t fix it with asymmetrical face exercises:
  • Trauma
  • Neurological conditions
  • Developmental issues
In these cases, the approach is usually more complex, and it’s recommended to talk to your healthcare provider before attempting any techniques or exercises, as these may worsen the condition. When it might be possible to reduce asymmetry with face exercises: Lifestyle factors Just as habits have contributed to asymmetry, they can also reduce and improve it. Face yoga is an excellent series of techniques on how to fix facial asymmetry naturally. It involves encouraging the mindful engagement of underutilized muscles, potentially leading to a more symmetrical appearance over time. This can be a valuable practice for addressing asymmetry caused by repetitive expressions and daily habits as it promotes muscle balance and tone through targeted exercises. Not to mention, face yoga is a soothing practice promoting calm and relaxation which also helps enhance your glow.
Face yoga encourages mindful engagement of underutilized muscles, potentially leading to a more symmetrical appearance over time. This can be a valuable practice for addressing asymmetry caused by repetitive expressions and daily habits as it promotes muscle balance and tone through targeted exercises. Not to mention, face yoga is a soothing practice promoting calm and relaxation which also helps enhance your glow. - Jillian Osborne, a face yoga teacher, and a Luvly app face yoga expert.

How to fix an asymmetrical face? Case by case

Before we go into the specifics of how to fix asymmetry, let’s take a quick look at some of the causes and whether face yoga can help.

How to fix an underbite naturally?

When it comes to a true underbite, a number of therapies are available. These include braces, invisalign, and palatal expanders. However, there’s also some more conservative treatments that have been proven effective. Myofunctional therapy, exercises to improve the strength and function of the jaw muscles, are particularly helpful and should be done alongside a professional. However, simple at-home facial yoga techniques can also help. Chin tucks, jaw relaxation, tongue presses, and neck stretches can help realign the jaw giving you a more symmetrical appearance. Read a comprehensive face yoga guide.

How to fix a lopsided face naturally?

Depending on the cause, a lopsided face may be a sign of an underlying medical condition or simple asymmetry. It’s important to define which before attempting to treat it. If a lopsided face is a symptom of asymmetry, there are a number of techniques you can try. For face yoga, here are some of the best exercises for a lopsided face:
  • Cheek puff exercises
  • Fish face
  • Smile exercises
  • Jaw exercises
Additionally, you may want to consider adding in neck stretches and shoulder alignment into your routine as your body’s posture impacts your facial alignment. Read about top 5 exercises for facial symmetry.

How to fix a misaligned jaw naturally?

Misaligned jaws can vary in severity and it’s always important to see your healthcare professional if this is an issue that is bothering you. That said, if your case is less intense, there are certain exercises that may be of help. For example, jaw relaxation, chin tucks, side-to-side movements, and resistance stretches can be used to improve the tone and structure of the job by strengthening and stabilizing the muscles. In addition to facial exercises, like with an underbite, posture can have an impact on facial alignment, making it important to work on your neck and shoulder alignment alongside your face.

How to fix uneven eyes naturally?

Uneven eyes can be a result of many factors, including your natural facial structure, skin tone, and even how stressed you are. Depending on the reason, these are some activities you can try:
  • Eye lifts
  • Blinking exercises
  • Eyebrow massage
Additionally, it’s important to make sure you get enough sleep, reduce your screen time, and keep a good handle on your stress. Read a full guide on face yoga exercises for uneven eyes.

How to fix a receding chin naturally?

If you’ve been finding that your chin is looking a little less chiseled than usual, it could be time to take matters into your own hands — literally. Chin tucks, jaw exercises, and neck curl-ups can help tone and shape your jaw line by building the muscles in a healthy way.

How to fix an asymmetrical face with exercises?

Although face exercises are not a cure-all for asymmetry, they can lead to reduced symptoms and improved appearance. We’ve mentioned some of them above, but let’s dive a little deeper into some of the exercises you can try, tied to problem areas:
  • Cheek symmetry — inflate your cheeks. Next, push air from one cheek to another to stretch the cheeks. Then release.
  • Jawline and chin asymmetry — look up to the ceiling by tilting your head backward while moving your jaw forward. Hold and release.
  • Eye area — try to squint using your lower eyelids. Don’t move the upper ones. Then relax. This exercise is harder than it sounds and may require some practice to get right.
  • Mouth exercises — make a big, wide smile and hold. Now relax your face.
  • Uneven eyebrows — use your fingertips to lift your brows and hold for a few seconds.
With each of these exercises, it’s important to repeat several times, as many as you're comfortable with, and to complete them often.

What else can I try to reduce asymmetry?

Alongside facial exercises, there are other things you can try to reduce asymmetry without surgery. For example:
  • Facial massage helps stimulate blood flow and promotes a glowing, balanced look.
  • Mewing is a much-debated technique, but its fans claim that facial symmetry is part of the appeal
  • Changing your sleeping position helps. So, if you’ve ever wondered, “Can sleeping on my back fix my facial asymmetry?” The answer is that it can indeed help, or at the very least, make sure it doesn’t get worse/
  • Acupuncture is a controversial technique for asymmetry. However, its benefits for nerve health can potentially reduce many issues.
  • Posture can play a role in your facial structure, so make sure to keep your neck and head aligned as best as possible.
  • Hydration can make our skin more plump and lively. Ensuring you are properly hydrated can show on your face.

How to get a symmetrical face — FAQs

From a crooked chin to an asymmetrical jaw, let’s do a quick run-through of your most-asked questions in our FAQs and get you the answers you need.

Can you really fix facial asymmetry naturally?

Facial asymmetry is natural and imbalances within the face can be improved with asymmetrical face exercises which aim to strengthen and tone the muscles of the face to promote balance. These techniques can be highly effective at targeting things like a facial imbalance or a weak chin with exercises. However, for more severe issues, it’s always best to consult a professional. It is unlikely that jaw alignment can be corrected naturally without surgery.

How can I fix my asymmetrical face naturally from sleeping?

Consistently sleeping on one side can impact your face and its structure, causing disbalance due to constant pressure on one side or the other. For example, if you notice that one cheek looks bigger than the other, the place to look might be in your bedtime routine. So will sleeping on my back fix my asymmetrical face? Surprisingly, it could. Recommendations suggest that sleeping on your back or using a supportive pillow that keeps your neck and back aligned can work wonders for your facial asymmetry when combined with the right exercises, of course.

What exercises are good for an asymmetrical face?

There are lots of exercises that can help your face. Here are our top 5 exercises to get you started on how to make your face symmetrical, but you can also find more above and in our app. Cheek puffing exercise — start by puffing one cheek out at a time. Hold the air in your cheek for a few seconds, then push it to the other side. Breathe out. Now repeat this exercise several times.
Mouth stretch — standing tall, open your mouth as wide as possible, like at the dentist. Hold for a few seconds and close. Then repeat. This is one of those exercises that works particularly well for an asymmetrical jaw. Fish face — time to pout. Suck in your cheeks to make that fish face and hold. You can also push against your lips to increase the intensity of the exercise. Now let’s relax and repeat.
Jaw workout — if there’s one exercise that targets the issue of if one side of the jaw is bigger than the other, it’s this one. Move your lower jaw in a circular motion and then from side to side. This helps to strengthen the mandibular area and is one of those uneven jaw exercises that is worth spending some time on.
Eyebrow lifts — while we can’t promise botox-level results, these eyebrow lifts can really raise your face making it appear toned. Start by placing your fingers above your eyebrows and lift them up. At the same time, apply gentle resistance with your fingers.

Can mewing fix an asymmetrical face?

Mewing involves placing the tongue against the roof of the mouth to give a snatched jawline. The technique is widely used by celebrities in photographs and can give some stunning effects in the short term — but does it work long-term? Evidence regarding mewing, despite its popularity, is sparse. Some suggest it can improve muscle balance and facial symmetry, but to date there are few studies to support this. So while mewing may be used to get a good selfie, right now, it might not be the best chosen technique for facial tone.

Can braces fix my asymmetrical face?

As an orthodontic treatment, braces have long been used to correct jaw irregularities. Over time and with proper treatment, these can improve facial asymmetry, especially when it’s of skeletal origin.

Facial symmetry exercises before and after

Results matter and it’s understandable that you’re keen to see and review your progress. That’s why, before you start your program and at regular intervals, it’s a good idea to take some pictures of your face and your progress. Not only will you truly see the difference, but you’ll motivate yourself to keep going on your journey to naturally better facial symmetry.

Should I do facial exercises for asymmetry? Conclusion

Depending on the level of asymmetry, its impact on your health and its cause, there are various approaches you can try to minimize asymmetry. For some people, asymmetry exercises prove to be the solution that works perfectly, boosting mood and appearance when done consistently. For others, it may be best to consult a health professional to get further advice. But no matter the approach, you should always feel empowered to take care of your health and body in a way that works for you.