Medical guidelines and sources for Luvly content

Effective as of 1 July 2022
With any health-related topic, it is crucial to get your facts only from the most reliable and credible sources. At Luvly, we take our responsibility before our users seriously, so we ensure that all our medical content is reviewed by professionals.

Sources of the Luvly content

Our sources include scientific magazines, bulletins, medical associations, peer-reviewed journals, databases and other internationally recognized sources. In the process of making content we engage certified professionals and only refer to the sources with the impeccable credentials.Since the medical standards can vary worldwide, we go an extra mile to double-check if our content follows the inclusivity and diversity standards. We consider the reader's age, and follow the strict ethical guidelines any time we share the information that has any kind of medical connotations in it. However, please note that most of the Luvly content is created to educate, entertain and inform, not give medical advice.

International Expertise Benchmarks

We double-check all our health-related content based on the relevant data from internationally recognized health organizations. Our go-to knowledge sources are the World Health Organization, National Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, local medical authorities and acclaimed academic and research institutions.

Luvly Medical Experts Board

Dermatology & Skincare

Nataly - dermatologist
Nataly MartunovuchCertified Dermatovenerologist

Ulyana - dermatologist and plastic surgeon
Ulyana ShitikovaCertified Dermatologist and Plastic Surgeon

Massage Therapy & Face Fitness

Marina - massage therapist, functional training expert
Marina VasilevskayaCertified Massage Therapist, Functional Training expert

Irene - face fitness and self massage trainer
Irene MakarevichCertified Face Fitness and Self Massage Trainer