Face Yoga

Facial yoga for anti-aging: does it actually work?

Written by Maria NeverovichUpdated on 02 Jun 2024
Face Yoga

Facial yoga for anti-aging: does it actually work?

Written by Maria Neverovich.Updated at 02 Jun 2024
Aging is natural, it’s beautiful. But when you look in the mirror and see those small lines and wrinkles appear, it doesn’t always feel that way. In recent years, the anti-aging beauty industry has boomed and is set to be valued at a massive $93.1 billion by 2027, highlighting the increased interest in youth-giving solutions. But often, these “solutions” come with a hefty price tag—consider face lifts, Botox, and fillers, to name a few—and don’t appeal to everyone. Although aging is natural, that doesn’t mean there isn’t something we can do about it—before (or without) resorting to more invasive methods. Recently, face yoga has been hailed as one of the best techniques for getting a more youthful look, but does it actually do what it says on the tin?

Do facial exercises work for anti-aging?

Let’s dive right in. Could the fountain of youth be just a few face yoga exercises away? A recent study published in JAMA Dermatology suggests — YES, within reason. When practiced over an extended period of time, face yoga exercises can improve the plumpness and vibrance of the skin and give a youthful-looking appearance. Face yoga for aging activates various muscle groups within the face, which:
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Boosts oxygen flow
  • Leads to more toned skin
  • Gives a fresher look
Advocates of the technique also suggest that face yoga for aging can help boost collagen production, which enhances the skin’s quality, making it appear tighter and reducing wrinkles. So that’s a huge tick in the “Does face yoga work for wrinkles?” box, too. Of course, face yoga exercises alone are just one piece of the puzzle. It’s important to remember that other factors, such as lifestyle choices, environment, family history, and more, can impact the results of any treatment. Read more about face yoga results here. That said, there are still many arguments in favor of anti-aging face yoga — reduced stress, me time, and developing a good skincare routine to name a few. So, if you’re weighing up the pros and cons, there’s no compelling reason not to try face yoga, and many good reasons to give it a go. Read about 11 face yoga benefits for face, body, and wellness. But where to get started?

Best face yoga exercises for anti-aging

Aficionados of face yoga know it can be used for many reasons, that’s why when selecting your program, it’s important to choose one that matches your needs. Facial yoga exercises for anti-aging are a special sub-brand of the technique, specially designed to reduce lines and wrinkles and improve skin tone for a more youthful appearance.

Step 1: Prep your skin

Clean skin is key to good face hygiene. It’s crucial to prep your skin, removing any makeup or impurities. Lather on a soothing, hydrating moisturizer to get the skin ready for its workout.

Step 2: Work on the targeted areas

Forehead: To smooth the lines and wrinkles that can appear on the forehead, place your hands on your brow facing inwards and spread your fingers out — hairline to eyebrows. Now, use a sweeping motion across your forehead to smooth the skin. Apply gentle pressure to get a good workout. Eyes: Time to work on those crow’s feet. Use your index fingers and place them on the outer edges of your eyes. Now gently tap around the inner corners and back again. Make sure you do a full circle (or two). This gentle pressure can improve blood flow and reduce lines in the area. Mouth and cheeks: Your smile lines are a tribute to a life well lived, but there’s no reason we can’t make you keep laughing with joy at your youthful appearance. For this exercise, puff up your cheeks and blow air from one side to the other. Release and repeat. Neck: Tech neck is the curse of the 21st century—but it doesn’t have to be yours. Let’s round up the routine with a neck roll. Lower your chin until it reaches your chest. Now move your head gently to the right, down again, and now to the left. Make a circular motion. This will help tone the neck muscles and reduce sagging skin.

Step 3: Cool down and relax

You did it! Once you add these simple face exercises for wrinkles into your day, you’ll never want to go back. But let’s try to make it even better. If you do this in the morning: Take a moment to look in the mirror, take a few deep breaths, and complete a minute of visualization. You can focus on your day, your achievements, your goal, whatever works for you. Let the tension go and center yourself, ready for a new day. If you do this in the evening: Now it’s time to unwind. Remember to top up your facial cream before bed to ensure the skin remains moisturized and then let’s get down to relaxation. Stand in front of your mirror, breathe deeply and repeat a mantra that suits your mood. This will help set the scene for positivity and healthy, relaxed sleep. Read more about a comprehensive face yoga morning routine and a face yoga evening ritual.

Should I do face yoga for wrinkles and aging?

If you’re looking to try a safe, gentle technique that stimulates and vitalizes your skin — face yoga is for you. Early evidence suggests the benefits of face yoga for aging and fans of the technique boast its other benefits proudly. Although it isn’t a quick, overnight fix, consistency with face yoga for wrinkles will yield results and leave you feeling better inside and out.
This article represents the simplicity of establishing a face yoga program at home. With a focus on all-over toning, face yoga can offer a dynamic experience as the face is enhanced with a sequence of exercises with lift, tone, and improved circulation much like a symphony! Your face is the final product of a sequence designed for toning all around the face. Face yoga can improve the look and feel of the skin on the face. - Angela Rosoff, a face yoga teacher and a Luvly app face yoga expert.