Face Yoga

Best facial exercises for eye lift, wrinkles and puffy eyes

Written by Angela RosoffUpdated on 14 Jun 2024
Face Yoga

Best facial exercises for eye lift, wrinkles and puffy eyes

Written by Angela Rosoff.Updated at 14 Jun 2024
“The eyes are the windows to the soul” is a phrase that has been attributed to many brilliant artists: Shakespeare, Cicero, and De Vinci. Does this saying ring true for you? Do you feel your eyes are communicating your inner feelings? If you want to match your inner feelings with the communication your eyes are sharing, then read to learn face yoga for the eyes. In this article, you will learn the best face yoga exercises to enhance the appearance of the eye area. You will also learn lessons in why these exercises improve all-over toning in the face. Learn about other natural ways to treat wrinkles.

Can Facial Exercise Help?

Facial exercise enlivens the eye area with poses that strengthen the muscles around the eye. Supportive exercise at the hairline areas also supports counter-poses to the daily squinting from sunlight, reading, and daily eye movements. Facial yoga not only softens fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, but you will also find the exercises to tone and lift the muscles of the temples and cheek areas.

What about Eye Cream?

To make the most of the following face yoga exercises, use of a high-quality eye cream is essential in minimizing fine lines and wrinkles. As the skin around the eyes warms up from your movement of exercise, the moisturizing cream can better absorb into your skin’s epidermis layer. Did you know that nourishing the skin of the eyes externally with moisture is so important because the skin around the eye is unable to create its own oils? In this study concluding that areas of the skin that have fewer sebaceous glands, producing the skin oil known as sebum, are less dense and more prone to wrinkles. This is why crow’s feet and eye wrinkles are such a common problem.

Exercises for Eye Wrinkles

No More Tired Eyes

This is a great exercise to begin a warming sequence for the eyes. This exercise adds moisture to the eye and the skin surrounding the eye from the inside out. No More Tired Eyes is a great exercise to do when you are tired or jet-lagged. This exercise helps to increase blood flow to the eyes and eye skin area. You will notice a lessening of bloodshot or red eyes. Improved white appearance of the eye and a shine to the eyeball are benefits of improved moisture created from the oil glands of the eyelash area. This is a perfect exercise for anyone with naturally dry eyes. Recommendation: Add eye cream AFTER the three sets recommended here. The eye cream will better absorb into warm skin. How to do it: Step 1: Gently rub your hands together, creating friction and warmth in the palms of your hands. Step 2: Close your eyes and place the warm hands over the eyes. You can allow the head to drop into the hands as you gently cradle your face with your hands over the eyes. Step 3: Hold this position for 10 seconds. Release the pose and lift your head. Repeat No More Tired Eyes for 3 sets. Add eye cream and continue with the following poses

Eye Squint Pose

This exercise continues warming-up the eye area. You will find this exercise to be a little tedious, so follow along in the video below before trying this on your own. This is a powerful exercise that not only improves the appearance of droopy lower lids, but lifts the cheek muscles up, as well. This exercise helps to lift the lower orbicularis oculi muscle and increase blood flow to this area, including the sebaceous eyelash area. As you also widen the eye, over time you will notice a more robust eye appearance in your reflection and in photos. This is a perfect counter-pose to the aging process that naturally pulls the skin downward with gravity. How to do it: Step 1: Gently place the hands on the forehead to prevent making expression lines. Step 2: Gently lift the hairline up and back with the hands. Step 3: Open the eyes wide, ensuring you aren’t making wrinkles on the forehead or temples. Step 4: Gently lift the skin at the tear duct up. Hold for 3 - 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times. Step 5: Release pose and relax. Repeat Eye Squint Pose for 3 sets.

Exercise for Eye Lift

Mini-Eye Lift

The Mini-Eye Lift fosters an uplifting appearance to the temples of the eyes. This minimizes the appearance of what we refer to as “crow’s feet”. As you lift the circular orbicularis oculi muscles up toward the hairline, you offer a unique stretch to this set of muscles that can become contracted inward toward the eyeball. This reshapes the appearance of the eye and minimizes fine lines and wrinkles of the outer eyelids. Over time, this action uplifts this area and is sustained with practice. Be careful not to over-tug on the skin of the temples. Do not create new wrinkles with this gentle uplifting exercise. When in doubt, be gentler than you think you should be. Afterall, this skin is delicate and one of the thinnest skin areas of your face. How to do it: Step 1: Gently spread the index and middle fingers into a “peace sign” to make a “V” shape. Step 2: In this “V” shape, place the index and middle fingers at the temple hairline next to each eye. Step 3: Gently lift this area up and look down and far out in front of you.
Step 4: Hold this pose for 5 seconds. Release the pose and relax. Repeat Mini-Eye Lift for 3 sets.

Exercise for Puffy Eyes

Tapping Exercise

Tapping has been found to be a more effective vasodilation technique than massage for lymphatic drainage. What does this have to do with eye puffiness? By using the fingertips to gently tap the skin around the eyes, we are able to open the blood vessels to improve blood flow around the eyes and foster movement fluid retention that results in puffy eyes. After trying this tapping exercise you will enjoy the benefit of bright eyes with less puffiness. Tapping with clean hands throughout the morning or afternoon, can help relieve puffy eyes that may be caused from poor hydration, circulation, eating salty foods, or poor lymphatic drainage. The maxillary and bucci lymph nodes lie around the cheekbones. If there is poor circulation here, the eyes become puffy. Take care in using the fingertips. Position the tips of the fingers in such a way that you don’t touch the face with the fingernails. Use a gentle tapping motion around the eye. Remember that the skin of the eye is thin and tapping straight into the eye is beneficial to improve blood flow and to also not damage the skin or create new wrinkles. How do do it: Step 1: Widen your fingers and use the tips of the finger pads. Take care in positioning your fingers so the nails do not scratch or injure your tender lower eyelid skin. Step 2: Begin to slowly tap the fingertips onto the lower eyelid area. Allow the tapping to move out to the eyebrows, cheeks, and forehead. Continue tapping in these facial areas with focus on the lower eyelids. Step 3: Tap for a total of 20-30 seconds. Remove the fingers and take a deep breath. Repeat this tapping sequence 1-2 more times.

Before and after

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Target area: area between brows, under the eyes Routine: Acupuncture massage, brow pinch smoother, lymph drainage, jawline cutout Duration: 4 weeks Result: Reduced overall puffiness, fresher looks, reduced bags under the eyes "In 3 weeks my friends noticed the result. If I can do it, you can do it."
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Target area: Forehead, crow’s feet, lines around the mouth Routine: Mid-brow rubber, eye circle taps, lip stretcher, marble roller Duration: 12 weeks Result: Reduced lines and wrinkles, smoother skin, reduced crow’s feet, toned face "It’s my new best habit, and it’s so easy to do." If you're wondering whether you can do face yoga after Botox to keep wrinkles away, check out the article about facial exercises after Botox.