Face Yoga

How to Get Rid of Double Chin Naturally: Face Yoga Exercises for Double Chin | Luvly

Written by Meena AzzolliniUpdated on 31 Jul 2024
Face Yoga

How to Get Rid of Double Chin Naturally: Face Yoga Exercises for Double Chin | Luvly

Written by Meena Azzollini.Updated at 31 Jul 2024
Nobody wants a double chin. This unflattering appearance is often associated with weight gain and tends to appear when there is a layer of fat under your chin, known as submental fat. But other factors, such as genetics and aging, are also responsible for it. Some people are skinny but double chin is something that they have to deal with. This is often the result of poor posture (such as looking down on our screens often) and hereditary facial structures. Are you wondering how to get rid of double chin fast? Fortunately, you can do this without invasive procedures through regular face yoga exercises. A healthy diet and full-body exercises are also helpful, especially when your double chin is connected to your body weight. Banner 3 [1] (1).jpg

Do Face Yoga Exercises For Double Chin Work?

Facial exercises target muscles in the neck and the face. By working these muscles, you can burn fat and achieve a slimmer appearance. Facial yoga exercises for double chin can target that extra layer of fat under the jawline. Over time, with regular exercises for double chin, you can witness it disappear, resulting in a sculpted lower face. These exercises can also lift, tone, and firm chin muscles while improving circulation, strengthening facial muscles, and reducing tension around your face, giving you a youthful appearance and a slimmer, sculpted look.

Facial Exercises For Double Chin

Before any face yoga routine, it is advisable to start with some warm-up exercises to increase blood flow and reduce any soreness after the workout. It’s also important to have consistent and regular practice to see noticeable results. Do the exercises daily, twice for best results. Banner 1 [1] (1).jpg

30 Day Double Chin Workout

Before and after double chin exercises, it's a good idea to treat yourself with a scalp and neck massage. Not only will it make you start your face yoga routine on a pleasurable note and help you reconnect with yourself, but it also relaxes the muscles in your face as all muscles are intricately connected.

Warm-up 1

Exercises for double chin, or any other area of your face and neck for that matter, should always start with a quick warm-up. Take a deep breath and blow raspberries with your lips and cheeks. This creates a vibration around your cheeks and lips and helps you to relax your facial muscles. Repeat this three times.

Warm-up 2

Gently tilt your head back and keep your lips together. Bring the tip of your tongue up to the roof of your mouth and then down. Do this for one minute. Then bring your head down in the forward position. Breathe and relax.

1. Kiss the Ceiling

This face yoga double chin exercise targets the neck and jaw muscles and can be practiced while sitting or standing up. How to do it:
  • Step 1: Take a deep breath and relax, making sure your shoulders are down.
  • Step 2: Looking straight, tilt your head back and face the ceiling.
  • Step 3: Pucker your lips as if you are kissing the ceiling. Hold this position for 5-8 seconds and release.
  • Step 4: Repeat the exercise 5 times.

2. The Swan Neck

This exercise gives you a natural neck lift, tightening your neck and jawline and reducing your double chin. It also helps smooth out neck wrinkles and helps release any tension you may hold in your neck and shoulders. How to do it:
  • Step 1: Turn your head and gaze about 45 degrees to the upper right. Pucker your mouth to the right and feel a good stretch along the left front of the neck. Hold for 5 seconds.
  • Step 2: Move your head and gaze back to the centre. Turn your head 45 degrees to the upper left and puck your mouth to the left. You will feel the right front of your neck stretching.
  • Step 3: Hold for 5 seconds and come back to the centre. Do 2 more sets.

3. Mouthwash Technique

As the name suggests, this facial exercise is just like gargling mouthwash. It helps tighten muscles of the cheeks while slimming your jawline and reducing the appearance of a double chin. How to do it:
  • Step 1: Instead of mouthwash, fill your mouth with air. Inflate your cheeks and hold air.
  • Step 2: Swirl the air from side to side just as you would mouthwash. Take the air to the left, then to the right, and bring it to the centre.
  • Step 3: Continue swirling for 20-30 seconds and exhale.
  • Step 4: Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

4. The Ball Exercise

The movements in this exercise target the face and neck muscles. The more you repeat the exercise, the more it works on your jawline, melting chin fat. How to do it:
  • Step 1: Place a small ball (9-10 inches), like a rubber squishy ball, under your chin and hold it gently with your chin and neck.
  • Step 2: Move your chin slightly down, pressing on the ball, and then release.
  • Step 3: Repeat 25-30 times.

5. Tongue Stretch

This exercise helps strengthen your jaw, chin, neck, and tongue muscles. How to do it:
  • Step 1: Slightly open your mouth and stick your tongue out, keeping your teeth covered with your lips.
  • Step 2: Lift your tongue up as if trying to touch your nose with its tip.
  • Step 3: Hold the position for 10 seconds.
  • Step 4: With your tongue still stretching out towards your nose, lift your chin towards the ceiling and hold for another 10 seconds.
  • Step 5: Relax your tongue and repeat 5 times.

A Few Nutritional Tips For Double Chin Reduction

  • Eliminate junk food from your diet and treat yourself once in a while.
  • As journalist Michael Pollan puts it in his book Food Rules: "Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food."
  • Swap added sugar and processed sweets for fruits, berries, and dark chocolate.
  • Eat lots of vegetables.
  • Incorporate healthy fats in your diet, such as nuts, avocado, and olive oil.
  • Avoid processed grains, especially processed wheat, and opt for wholegrain alternatives.
  • Avoid alcohol or minimize your alcohol consumption.
  • Finish eating at least 2-3 hours before bed.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.


What Causes Double Chin For Men And Women?

The four main causes of a double chin are age (skin loses elasticity and starts to sag), obesity, bad posture, and genetics. The reasons for double chin formation in men and women are essentially the same. Women, however, have thinner skin that, with age, is more prone to wrinkling and sagging. Men have to deal with lower societal pressure to keep up their youthful appearances than women, which in turn may lead men to overlook their double chin until it's a serious issue.

Can I get rid of my double chin with face yoga exercises?

Yes, you absolutely can. It does depend on a few factors, though, such as the progression of your double chin at this moment in time, your eating and exercise habits, posture, and age. But never be discouraged from giving it a go — it's never too late to try to make your jawline and, therefore, your chin more defined and sculpted.

How long can it take to visibly reduce my double chin?

We say give it at least 30 days of daily exercises for double chin and other areas of your face and neck to start seeing some results. Significant changes will be visible in around 10-20 weeks.

What things other than face yoga can I do to get rid of my double chin?

When it comes to double chin, there's a lot that you can do to significantly reduce it. If you are overweight, there's a good chance that losing some weight will give you a more defined face as well. Make sure you establish a healthy diet paired with an exercise regimen of your liking. Posture is a big factor in the development of a double chin. Try to sit up and walk straight. Lift your phone higher towards your eye level so you don't bend your neck forwards. Avoid using your laptop or tablet or reading books lying in your bed – always sit up.


All these tips and exercises to get rid of double chin are recommendations only. It is always best to consult your doctor before embarking on a new facial care regimen.